Friday, July 6, 2012

Flowers 2012

 Last year I planted a little "window" box of Lavender and placed it on the little gazebo in the back yard... Here's a small sample of what bloomed this year... It has an absolutely wonderful smell... I love sitting in the back yard in the gazebo and smelling the lavender and gardenias... I planted some honeysuckle this year's not very big yet...but it will be~

Here's one of 10 fushia baskets I have hanging in the yard! I finally was able to successfully "winter" some baskets from last year (completely by accident...albeit a happy one!) so I ended up with way more baskets than I usually have.. hopefully next year I will be as lucky!!

This is the wisteria that we planted in 2007... it bloomed for the first time this year!! I was sooo happy! This was literally a stick when we planted it...really... no root dirt... just a stick packaged in some sawdust... and now after 5 years of waiting it finally bloomed. =)

The camelia in the back yard. This one used to be in the front yard but we moved year before last to the back yard.. I wasn't sure about it since last year it didn't do very well... but this year it's covered in beautiful flowers.. so it must be happy enough.

Here's the little patio that George did last year... complete with my little swing and some pretty hanging baskets... I love to sit out here and drink my morning coffee on the weekends...or in the evening just relaxing... it's one of my little happy places... 

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