Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Day

George found these really cool flowers for Easter they are called sun star he picked one up for me and one for mom.I thought they were very unusual and very pretty!Easter was nice, We had a wonderful dinner. Mom came with pineapple rings, maraschino cherries, cloves and and a new glaze George tried that had marionberry in it. I know it sounds a bit off the beaten path but it was yummy!

George wanted to do a boiled ham with cabbage but since we just had corned beef and cabbage last month for our annual St Patrick's Day feast i was not up to that! He did get his boiled cabbage though so both he and Rick were happy as could be, mom and i had baked ham which was fabulous so all in all i think everyone won that one.


Here is the cutest Easter Bunny ever! We received this video before easter but it took me this long to figure out how to share it with you! LOL!! so please enjoy this video of Rylee as the Easter Bunny ;)

Saturday, April 11, 2009



yes, i know it's late but i had to share George's attempt to fool me. He called me as i was on my way to work on the 1st and was chit chatting away when the conversation took an odd turn. He says well, pack up we're moving. UMM, WHERE? i asked. he then proceeds to tell me that the post office wants a mililtary liason posted in Korea and he was selected for the job. so pack up we are moving to KOREA. i was almost going along with the story except for a few things the first being he picked korea of all places ....and he knows better than to leave out something BIG like putting in for a transfer... and the post office like any big company or government agency doesn't move that fast even if they want then i was left with the fact that it was April 1st, therefore not buying it... i give him an A++ for creativity and an A for effort even if ultimately it was a failed attempt! LOL!