Saturday, June 30, 2012

Cotton Candy Clouds

These clouds were such pretty colors I had to take a couple pictures of them... I saw them on my way home from work one afternoon and they just took my breath away.. again I just needed to share the beauty that I saw. =) hope you enjoy them

Beauty in Salem

Since it's been quite a while since the sun has been out and some of us are beginning to wonder if the sun will ever return... I thought I'd share some sunny pics of the little park at the Forestry Dept. to remind us that yes the sun does shine in Salem, OR... just not always as often as we might like =).

I really enjoy this little park... George works here on the weekends and I bring him dinner and get to spend a little time at the park since it doesn't close until dusk...

Beauty in Salem, OR

 George works on the weekends at the Forestry Dept. which has given us some time to be able to watch some of the local wildlife families.. This Momma duck had her nest up by the building for several weeks... then one day she disappeared.. it took a couple of weeks but then we saw these cute little babies!

We also saw LOTS of baby geese! Gooseys away... sorry...inside joke.. but they were cute and fun to watch grow up.