Monday, June 6, 2011

Magnolia tree

Well... I know it's gonna be hard to believe.... but it didn't take 2 years to plant the magnolia tree.... LOL!!!

We got this done today... George as usual dug the hole and I plopped the plant in... looking forward to watching this become a "real" tree... it's a baby and it takes time...

dragon's cave of serenity....

Here is my new place of serenity.... George put this gazebo/ arbor together for me in the back yard... it's still a work in progress....but I LOVE IT already!!! up til now the swing has been my favorite spot in the yard...and I still love the swing... but this I envision lots ot things for... maybe an evergreen clematis growing on it....some evergreen baskets so it's not sad looking in the winter... some cushions....and if I can make up my mind some solar string lights....all in good time... but... Oh...yes...definately a work in progress.... =)

at some point I'm hoping there will be a fire pit... and a small stone patio... just under the arbor itself... to help level it out... I love to go barefoot so I don't want to let go of too much of the grass!! See I wasn't kidding when I said I envisioned lots of things for this corner!! LOL!!!

It's got a great spot for a window type box... I've got it planted with several types of lavander and a really pretty fragrant thyme...

New Cousin

This was a year of Babies!! This is the newest cousin... introducing Cassandra Elayne Galla. (please don't ask if she's a 2nd cousin twice removed... I'm no good with that stuff!! lol) She was born April 16, 2011 at 2:20am (hope she's not always an early bird!! lol) weighing 7lbs 6oz and 20 inches long.

Here is Cassie with her loving family... that's my cousin Jenny & her hubby Nick... lots of luck, best wishes and hugs for you all!!

And here's a happy Pop!! Holding his first grandbaby! =)

Kassidy Jae Pfau!!!

Here is the newest Grandbaby meet little miss Kassidy Jae Pfau.... she was born May 16, 2011 at 9:39pm weighing 6lbs 11oz and 18.5 inches long. She's a little doll... and look at all that hair!!

This is Uncle George holding Rylee will have a little cousin to play with!