Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Sorry I haven't posted much lately and now I've just clogged up the works with new things that are actually a little old...but I was having some technical difficulty getting my pictures to post but now it's all better... I promise I'll try to be much better about posting on a regular basis again.
There have been several exciting things going on recently as.. you will see. George has joined the Shriners and is really excited and happy to be part of such a caring and fun organization. I'm looking forward to doing some crafty projects to donate or sell for the benefit of the Shriner's Children Hospital..and hopefully getting to ride with George in the Motor Patrol... that's the unit he's the most interested in joining...=)
 Thank you to those of you who have kept our family in thought and prayer for various and assorted things... health and job.. we are happy to report that both are improving. The post office isn't moving...yet... so George won't have to worry about commuting and it gives us more time to help get a permanent solution to the problem in place... hopefully.
Thank you for your continued support of our family and the post office.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Shriner's Day!

The day started at the Shriner's Hospital in Portland.

 Then we went to Wilsonville for the ceremony... here's the band ... they were fun!
 George sitting in front of the Shriner Mural.
 George with his Fez =) He was sooo happy... and below is the whole "class" of Shriners May 2012!
So here was the day George has been waiting for... the day when he became a Shriner.. and got to wear his fez. It was a long day, but it was fun, and Mom got to come along as well, and he was sooo happy. Now, to figure out what groups to join... I voted for the clowns... you know with the little cars.. or the mini bikes...That's what I wanted...but alas I think he's joining the Motor Patrol...which is motorcycles so I'm good with that too... =) So here are some pics from our day of fun.

Easter 2012

Easter this year was a lot of fun. We had some great food and were surrounded by family ...and... got to expose Jason to his first Chocolate Easter Bunny! He had such a sugar high he sang all the way home... =}

Spring Snow storm 2012

So as typical Oregon... we had spring snow storms pretty much all through March. My Aunt Becky came out for a little visit and was greeted with more snow here than at her house all winter in Missouri... She had to come to Oregon for snow.. so enjoy the fortunately brief white spring..

Jason Big Birthday bash

Birthday boy bubbles =)
Opening Presents
Birthday boy and papa WhoopWhoop!
Birthday boy Jason and Great Uncle Bill playing in the bubbles =)
Visiting with the family
Hotdog Man! Uncle George made =)

Jason first Cake

Hmm... this is much easier to get a hold of!
Yes... this is good =}

Hmmm... I'll try a little...

What's this???

Happy Birthday Jason! His first birthday cake.

some assembly required

Uncle George working hard to put Nephew Jason's birthday toy together...
I gotta tell ya... this was harder than it looks... according to the language!. LOL =)
Finally done! That wasn't soo bad.