Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Little Family

Here are some more pictures of THE grandbaby, her mom Amy was so sweet as to send us some great pictures. check out the slide show in the side bar!

Rylee with her proud papa George, and Rylee with her sweet momma Amy, and finally Rylee herself..look at how she's sprawled out all across her bed..bed hog in training...LOL. way to go girl!

first watermelon of the summer!!!!!!!!!!!

this was the first watermelon of the was sooooo good. i just had to share. we had a small bbq over the long memorial day weekend bbq chicken, corn on the cob, coleslaw and the best part WATERMELON.

i want to ride my bicycle....

Due to George's Dr.'s most recent nasty note we are trying to excerise more, so here we are getting ready for our first bicycle ride per docs orders. we had a good time though the weather was just perfect for it not to hot just enough wind to keep us comfortable. so cheer us on in our pursuit of better health...

George is soooo not happy about the diet the doctor wants him on, basically if it tastes good he can't have it. The next three months are really strict and if he gets his numbers down suitably then he go back to a moderate diet of yummy stuff...